How digital marketers are enhancing client potential with artificial intelligence.
Empower Support • Aug 15, 2022

Science counts on AI in the lab. Marketers are among the first to harness their potential in the business world.

The ongoing global pandemic, with its ups, downs and unknowns, is accelerating investment in digital and cloud technology across every industry. 

Marketing is no exception. And as a tech-first marketer, at Empower, we follow new tech trends closely.

From social media growth to the increasing power of search engine functionality, to the latest data analytics tools, to growing progress and wider use of artificial intelligence in the traditional business world, marketers often have the first opportunity to learn what combinations of all of the above work best together, and under what optimal conditions. 

Let’s look at the shape of marketing trends growing in the artificial and augmented intelligence space this year.

AI Algorithms

AI has been a part of marketing for a good while now – just look at Facebook or Google advertising or any of the thousands of other services that use smart algorithms to put the right ad messaging in front of the best potential customers. 

And these capabilities are not only getting smarter but becoming easier for tech-savvy marketers to use. Sometimes that means learning how to better understand their potential. Other times, we learn about their limitations, too. In either event, it’s an exciting time for forward-thinking marketers.

Natural Language Tools

In 2022, we’re seeing natural language processing (NLP) solutions evolve. These are designed to create marketing copy that draws an audience and to better identify how and where products, services and brands are being discussed online. 

While natural language software platforms are helpful, they’ll never replace the human touch when it comes to sparking the right tone for a brand. However, as a creative tool for copywriters and brand experts, they are a fantastic tool that helps to save time while often simultaneously increasing 

Smart(er) Chat

Chatbots are becoming ever more sophisticated. Their ability to interact intelligently and offer true customer service value (as opposed to simply greeting customers and passing on their requests which is pretty handy, to begin with) is becoming increasingly impressive, and affordable. 

AI power will continue to give web chat services greater interactive advantages and abilities to process customer requests efficiently, within a single dialogue. Eventually, they’ll require less need for human interaction. Meaning that people in service positions will be left with a lot more time to perform and deliver rather than troubleshooting common issues. 

Decoding Data

Overall, the most valuable application of AI and machine learning to marketers and small enterprises stand to have the biggest, most purposeful impact on data management and the incredible volume of information that savvy marketers can harness from any aspect of a digital campaign. 

Customer data will continue to be an enormous part of this data boom. And small businesses will increasingly look towards third parties and external management experts to gain insights that will help bring products and services to a greater volume of more relevant clients. 

And marketing experts like Empower increasingly seek the knowledge and insight of data-driven storytelling to better understand how we can play an even stronger, trusted role in our clients’ success.

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